Pat Flanakin
All I Wanna Be Is Tall
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©Pat Flanakin

VERSE All I wanna be is tall, that's all
Forever now I've always been small, so small
Oh with little feet and little hands
Momma I don't understand
I'm always just your little man
All I wanna be is tall

VERSE All I wanna be is tall, that's all
Higher than the highest wall, so tall
Oh ev'ryone looks down at me
I look up and all I see
Are grownups smilin' tenderly
All I wanna be is tall

BRIDGE Oh, if birds can fly up in the sky
Why can't I be tall
And if rocket ships can sail away
And never have to fall

VERSE All I wanna be is tall, that's all
Forever now I've always been small, so small
Oh with little feet and little hands
Momma I don't understand
I'm always just your little man
All I wanna be is tall

TAG All I wanna be is tall
All I wanna be is tall
All I wanna be is tall
All I wanna be is tall

Lyrics Credits: Pat Flanakin
Music Credits: Pat Flanakin
Producer Credits: Pat Flanakin
Publisher Credits: Pat Flanakin/BMI
Performance Credits: Pat Flanakin
Short Song Description:
Children's song about longing to grow up and be tall
Song Length: 2:24
Primary Genre: Unique-Children
Secondary Genre: -
Tempo: Slow (71 - 90)
Lead Vocal: Male Vocal
Subject Matter 1: Frustration
Mood 1: Cheerless
Language: English